

Use in Ancient Society:

The understanding of how acupuncture works has evolved with its practice, but the descriptions set down a thousand years ago have largely been retained. The dominant function of acupuncture is to regulate the circulation of qi (vital energy) and blood. Approximately 2,000 years ago, the pre-eminent acupuncture text, Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor's Classic on Internal Medicine), was written. In it, acupuncture was described as a means of letting out excess qi or blood by making holes in the body along certain pathways, called jingluo (meridians). For some of these meridians, it was advised to acupuncture in such a way as to let out the blood but not the qi; for others, to let out the qi, but not the blood. Many diseases were thought to enter the body through the skin, and then penetrate inward through muscle, internal organs, and, if not cured in timely fashion, to the marrow of the bone. By inserting a needle to the appropriate depth-to correspond with the degree of disease penetration-the disease could be let out.

In ancient Chinese civilisations individual cells could not be viewed under an electron microscope, and disease did not have the intricate explanation it has today. Illness and wellbeing was hugely related to the external world as the internal workings were yet to be explained. Therefore, most theories were related to the visible world; One of the critical aspects of nature for humans living a thousand years ago, when Chinese civilisation was well developed, was the system of water courses, which included tiny streams, huge rivers, man-made canals and the ocean. It was envisioned that the body had a similar system of moving, life-giving fluid. Acupuncture evolved from letting something out the body to regulating the internal dynamics of the human body. Because the internal flow of qi through the body could be blocked like a stream. If one goes to the point of blockage and clears it away, then the stream can resume its natural course. In a like manner, if the passage of qi becomes blocked then the body becomes disordered. 
One can resume the natural flow by cutting a small hole or crevice in the blockage, which can clear the entire path, because the force of the fluid penetrating the hole will widen it continuously until the normal flow is restored. This is the foundations of acupuncture; a small needle is inserted into the blocked region.
There are certain points on the human body which have a significant impact on the flow of fluid, so these are used to treat 'blockages'. Although this description of the basic acupuncture concept is somewhat simplified, it conveys the approach that is taught today to students of traditional acupuncture: locate the areas of disturbance, isolate the main blockage points, and clear the blockage. Not only does the site of the blockage have an affect, but the depth, direction and chemical composition of the needle influence the result of procedures. 
Not only are blockages treated but also a surplus of qi flow can be rectified using acupuncture: tonifying, draining and transference methods. Ultimately, all the descriptions of acupuncture that are based on the traditional model involve rectifying a disturbance in the flow of qi. If the qi circulation is corrected, the body can eliminate most symptoms and eventually-with proper diet, exercise, and other habits-overcome virtually all disease.

Use in Modern Society:

When the human body was finally described in terms of cells, biochemicals, and specific structures (most of this accomplished less than 150 years ago), the Chinese method of acupuncture and its underlying concepts were evaluated in these new terms. From the modern perspective, diseases and injuries are resolved by a complex set of responses; the responses are coordinated by several signalling systems. The signalling systems mainly involve peptides and other small biochemicals that are released at one site, travel to other sites, interact with cells, and stimulate various biologically programmed responses. Rather than blockages of circulation described in the old Chinese dogma, diseases are understood to be caused by microorganisms, metabolic failures, changes in DNA structure or signalling, or breakdown of the immune system. Some of these disorders are resolved by the cellular functions that are designed for healing, while others become chronic diseases because the pathological factors involved have either defeated the body's normalising mechanisms or because something else has weakened the body's responses to the point that they are ineffective.

Modern studies have revealed that acupuncture stimulates one or more of the signalling systems, which can increase the rate of healing. This response from the body, may be sufficient enough to cure a disease or only reduce some of symptoms. According the current understanding, the primary signalling system affected by acupuncture is the nervous system, which not only transmits signals but also secretes biochemicals which have effects on other cells in the body. The nervous system is connected to the hormonal system, via the adrenal gland, and makes connections to every cell and system in the body. 

According to this interpretation, acupuncture is seen as a stimulus directed to certain responsive parts of the nervous system, producing the needling sensation and setting off a biochemical cascade which enhances healing. Some acupuncture points are very frequently used and their applications are quite varied: needling at these points may stimulate a "global" healing response that can affect many diseases. Other points have only limited applications; needling at those points may affect only one of the signalling systems. It is common for acupuncturists to combine the broad-spectrum points and the specific points for each treatment.

During this modern period (since the 1970s) an increasing number of ways to stimulate the healing response at various body points have been advocated, confirming that needling is not a unique method (the idea that the needle would produce a hole through which pathogenic forces could escape has long been fading). In the past, the main procedures for affecting acupuncture points were needling and application of heat (moxibustion). Now, there is increasing reliance on electrical stimulation (with or without needling), and laser stimulation. Since the basic idea of acupuncture therapy is gaining popularity throughout the world while the practice of needling is restricted to certain health professions and is not always convenient, other methods are also becoming widely used. Lay persons and practitioners with limited training are applying finger pressure (acupressure), tiny metal balls held to the to the skin by tape, magnets (with or without tiny needles attached), piezoelectric stimulus (a brief electric discharge), and low energy electrical pulsing (such as the TENS unit provides with electrical stimulus applied to the skin surface by taped electrodes). Some of these methods may have limited effectiveness, but it appears that if an appropriate body site is stimulated properly, then the healing response is generated.

Subsequently, we can conclude that although we have developed a valid explanation for the effectiveness of acupuncture, and come far since describing disease in terms of simple blockages, we still cease to find an alternative to acupuncture and many other unique Ancient Chinese treatments. In my opinion western societies have an extreme arrogance and many refuse to accept the extraordinary techniques of those developed in eastern civilisations. In another post I will compare medical treatments in the east and west. However, for purposes here I include America and western Europe in the west and, because of similarities between Buddhist and Confucian philosophy, India is included in the East with China and the east Asian countries. 


Brain Disorders and Diseases

Brain Disorders and Diseases: The Ins and the Outs

Every animal you can think of- birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, mammals- has a brain. However, the human brain is unique, it gives us the power to imagine, communicate, problem solve and acknowledge the environment around us in unbelievable depth.

The brain performs many significant tasks, including the following:

  • It controls body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing.
  • It accepts and translates constant information, from your senses, about the world around you.
  • It controls your physical movement
  • It lets you think, dream, reason and experience emotions

All of these tasks are co-ordinated, controlled and regulated by an organ about the size of a head of broccoli. 

The complexity and importance of this organ is seen in the fact that neurological diseases are some of the most deadly and least explained disorders. 

Most brain disorders are related to age-related brain decline. Many neuroscientists believe that the regions of the brain that develop first are the ones that are lost during the normal stages of ageing. However, many researchers have also proposed the reciprocal of this theory; that the brain regions that develop late may be the first to deteriorate. We can link age with deterioration by comparing regions that deteriorate due to age, with regions associated with diseases such as Schizophrenia and Alzheimers.  Researchers have conducted statistical analyses to identify the regions that overlap.

Researchers came to the conclusion: “This network of brain regions not only showed mirroring of healthy developmental and aging processes, but also demonstrated heightened vulnerability to etiologically distinct clinical disorders linked to abnormal adolescent and aging trajectories (schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease) and recapitulated the pattern of macrostructural abnormalities seen in both disorders.” - http://www.neurologytimes.com/alzheimer-disease/brain-aging-development-and-disease-explained


In terms of brain diseases, Alzheimers is everest: Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disorder in which the death of brain cells causes memory loss and cognitive decline. A neurodegenerative type of dementia, the disease starts mild and gets progressively worse. 

Alzheimers is defined as: 

Just over a tenth of people aged over age 65, have the disease in the US. In the over 85 region the percentage goes up to about a third of people suffering with the disease. Although there are many types of dementia Alzheimers is the leading cause of memory loss and cognitive decline. Also, the Alzheimers Association says it accounts for 60-80% of all cases of dementia.

What are the causes? 

Like all types of dementia, Alzheimers is caused by brain cell death. It is a neurodegenerative disease which means that there is progressive brain cell death over time. The total brain size shrinks with Alzheimers as there is a decline in the number of nerve cells and connections. Additionally, accumulation of protein between dying cells and brain neurones, called plaques and tangles, can cause disruptions in brain activity.


  • Difficulty eating or swallowing (dysphagia)
  • Difficulty moving around or changing position without assistance 
  • Considerable weight loss
  • Urinary and bowel incontinence
  • Gradual loss of speech
  • Significant problems with short-term and long-term memory

There are no drug treatments available which can provide a cure for Alzheimers disease. However, medicines have been developed which can symptoms or temporarily slow down the progression.


Another disease which stands out to me in the category of neurological diseases is ALS. 
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's Disease," is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Motor neurones carry impulses from the brain to spinal cord and from the spinal cord to the muscles. 

The progressive degeneration of the motor neurones, in ALS, eventually leads to their death. When the motor neurones die the ability for the brain to initiate and control muscle movement is lost. With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, patients in the later stages of the disease can become totally paralysed.

As motor neurones degenerate they can no longer send impulses to the muscle fibres, this can result in the muscles becoming progressively weaker and wearing away.

What are the causes?

Researchers are studying numerous possible causes of ALS, including:
  • Gene mutation can lead to inherent ALS
  • Chemical imbalance- higher levels of glutamate, a chemical messenger in the brain, can accumulate in nerve cells and spinal fluid. Glutamate can be toxic to some nerve cells, if exposed to increased amounts
  • Disorganised immune response can cause a persons immune system to attack their own cells causing damage to nerve cells 

Early symptoms of ALS often include increasing muscle weakness, especially involving the arms and legs, speech, swallowing or breathing. When muscles no longer receive the messages from the motor neurones that they require to function, the muscles begin to atrophy (become smaller). Limbs begin to look "thinner" as muscle tissue atrophies.


Although the cause of ALS is not completely understood, the recent years have brought a wealth of new scientific understanding regarding the physiology of this disease. While there is not a cure or treatment today that halts or reverses ALS, there is one FDA approved drug, riluzole, that modestly slows the progression of ALS as well as several other drugs in clinical trials that hold promise. Importantly, there are significant devices and therapies that can manage the symptoms of ALS that help people maintain as much independence as possible and prolong survival. 
With neurological diseases it is important to remember they are quite variable diseases; no two people will have the same journey or experiences.